Welcome to Corpus Christi Parish

A Roman Catholic Church located in East Sandwich, Massachusetts

324 Quaker Meeting House Road, East Sandwich, MA 02537                        Telephone:  508-888-0209

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

No one, whether shepherd or wise man, can approach God here below except by kneeling before the manger at Bethlehem and adoring him hidden in the weakness of a new-born child. Catechism #563

Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Fr. Jack Schrader, Pastor

Our parish’s name says it all: Corpus Christi. The Body of Christ in Latin. As Catholics worshiping at the oldest parish on Cape Cod, we gain our strength from encountering Jesus in the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ. Through the Eucharist, we ourselves become the mystical body of Christ in the world, extending His mission of mercy to bring everyone to eternal life. Firmly rooted in the Word of God and in the Apostolic Tradition, the doors of our church are open to all seeking true life.

We ourselves bear witness to the power of the Sacraments, of prayer, and of community to give us true life: to heal our woundedness, to strengthen our weaknesses, and to forgive our sins. In a world that is increasingly forgetful of God, we are committed to the essential work of handing on the light of faith by allowing the grace of God to be alive in us every day.

We invite you to receive the blessings the Lord has in store for you at Corpus Christi Parish as we strive to help one another and humbly serve our God.

Your fellow worker in the vineyard,

Father Jack Schrader, Pastor

Mass Schedule

Parish Staff

Eucharistic Adoration

Online Giving

Faith Formation

Faith Formation & Confirmation Preparation



Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

Our Parish



St. Vincent de Paul Society

silver and white beaded bracelet

Weekday Devotionals

Music Ministry

Upcoming Events

black Canon and Nikon camera in macro shot photography

Photo Gallery


Parish Ministries